My bookmarks



Philip Zimmermann
Stallman's (real) homepage
Marco D'Itri's homepage (it)
Aaron Swartz
Tim Berners-Lee
Piero Scaruffi (en)
fiatjaf = nostr
Yoshua Bengio
Mikko Hypponen
Edsger W. Dijkstra Archive
Filippo Valsorda


Sacha Chua
John R. Levine - Internet and e-mail policy and practice
Md at
Yoshua Bengio
Evgeny Poberezkin
Signal Blog
Schneier on Security
Internet Society
IETF news and blog
W3C blog


Blinkenshell host this pages and you can find a unix shell and a cool community where to stay
SDF another unix place (where you can find me). SDF is stick around from 35y!
Mastodon instance at SDF: a cool place, full of hackers one of the few (and good) usenet provider, with a rasonable price
Anonradio is the radio of a geek radio.
EFF The Electronic Frontier Foundation
nostr protocol an open protocol that enables truly censorship-resistant and global value-for-value publishing on the web
2600 Magazine The Hacker Quarterly
The Usenet Big-8 Management Board
Internet Archive


IRSSI - the irc client. May be useful also irssi notifier
Tin - the usenet client
Raspberry Pi
Keepass - an affordable password manager
Emacs - a beautiful editor
DeepL translator
spamgourmet - free auto-creating email addresses, strong spam blocker, short learning curve
Quad9 - an open DNS for privacy and security
Mullvad VPN
Filen - encrypted cloud storage
LyX – The Document Processor for LaTex
LaTeX – A document preparation system
Getalby - A lightning wallet for payments make easy
Spamcop - Spam reporting - Help to fight spam
Debian - The Linux OS
Apache - Apache http Server Project
Signal - Signal messenger
Lemmy - Reddit-like fediverse alternative
BitlBee - IM to IRC clients
Solid Project - Store data securely in decentralized data stores
NTP Pool Project - public ntp time server for everyone


A good guide to emacs
The email netiquette
The Usenet improvement Project
Guidance from Chrome Developer Relations


.::Please sustain Blinkenshell and SDF: they offer a good and free service for all. They deserve our support::. - Blinkenshell Donations SDF

kickmule $Sat 23 Mar 2024 11:53:25 AM CET$ Writed with Emacs